The Beauty of a Skin Care Regimen....
Why is it so important to be on a skin care regimen? Well let me explain. Our face is the most exposed part of our body it is everyday battling whatever elements come our way, the weather, pollution, sun, and smoke. It is constantly bombarded by free radicals from every direction. When we don't take care of our skin the free radical cause our skin to dry, wrinkle, breakout, and lose the radiance we love to see.
Let's Talk About the Proper Way to Do Your Regimen
As seen here in the image above (an avon image) it demonstrates the proper steps in doing your daily skin care regimen.
1. Step one starts with Cleansing. We should cleanse our face 2X Daily and use a cleanser that is best for your skin, don't use a oily/combo if you are normal to dry. If you are not using the right cleanser of moisturizer your skin will be problematic. As seen in chart below notice the types and what is best for your skin
2. Step 2 apply your treatments. Be sure your skin is dry before applying your treatments. What are treatments you ask, well it is for those problematic areas in which we would like to disappear, use any of your treatments other than the EYE TREATMENTS they will be applied LAST. Is your skin uneven, fine lines and wrinkles, you need to brighten your skin, even out the uneven tones, these are your treatments.
3. Step 3 it's time to Moisturize. Just as it is important with the cleanser it is important to find the right one for your skin type. I can't express enough how important it is to moisturize both day and night, I will have to admit night time regimen is the hardest, I am much better at it but when I miss a few days I notice the dryness coming back. Moisturizing hydrates the skin and helps protect it from the elements we are exposed to everyday. Below are some skin care choices remember to do the skin care advisor before ordering your products so you will get what is right for you
As also seen in photo below there are ages posted, these are generally where you fall for usage, but not always so be sure you check first.
The Anew Day and Night moisturizers
Anew Vitale 25+: For woman noticing the first signs of aging.
Anew Reversalist 40+: For woman noticing more signs of aging, fine lines and wrinkles
Anew Ultimate 50+: For woman with multiple
signs of aging.
Anew Platinum 60+: For woman concerned with sagging skin on face an neck
Notice on the Right is the Nutraeffects line....
This ALL NEW skin care regimen is really amazing, If you have sensitive skin and like all natural products this line is an awesome option for you.
As with the other product be sure to use the right one for your skin type..
For normal to dry use: Hydration (Blue)
For oily/combination use: Balance (Green)
For dull or uneven tone use: Radiance (orange)
For early signs of aging use: Ageless (purple)
4. Step 4 is the last but not least...THE EYES. Here is where many of us start seeing the first signs of aging, it was for me. Using an eye treatment is very helpful in caring for those fine line and wrinkles or as I say the crows feet around the eyes. When applying your treatment be sure not to rub it on but to gently use a finger and dab it on favorite is the Anew Clinical Eye Lift Pro Dual Eye System
With every Anew Moisturizer there is a eye cream system...don't wait another day to start fighting those wrinkles around your eyes, by using an eye cream you start to diminish those fine lines and over timee soften the deep lines...
QUICK TIPS TO LEAVE YOU WITH (from the avon guide to skin care)
always wash your hands before applying products to avoid transfer of bacteria.
always apply serums and moisturizers to cleansed, dry skin, when using both use serum first.
Apply creams in circular movements on the face and use a gentle tapping motion around the eyes.
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