
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

As we age our skin starts to change, and we often age at different rates due to the many causes of aging from genetics to as I shared previous, environment, smoking, eating, etc...but on a scale the signs are very common for every age and stage of life...                  

            As seen here in an image use for Avon it goes over the most common areas of aging starting on the forehead, as we age the horizontal lines on our forehead start to appear and as we age they get deeper, a line between our eyebrows starts to appear and then the "Laugh Lines" start to appear around the outer edge of the eye and under.  Then the cheeks, nasolabial fold, jawline, and under lower lip...and I actually notice at 50 above my lip small lines forming, perhaps not noticeable to others but you know as woman we see these things right.  As we age these lines start out gradual and before you know it they are just there, I know with me it seemed to come on over night, one day I looked in the mirror and suddenly saw that I was actually aging and the reality of  I should have started moisturizing earlier in life became a regret, but not to late, I started immediately taking care of my skin and I am seeing those lines diminish over time.
SKIN STAGES  30's Early Signs
As seen here in image to the left is the ages and stages chart (an avon chart) It goes through the ages starting at our 30's, that goes to show us that we need to care for our skin as early as our 20's so we can stop those signs of aging before they start, as seen in the chart our skin starts to change and get dull and we start losing the radiance we had in our 20's.  The rate of repair takes longer, just like with our bodies as we age it takes longer for us to bounce back and that is the same for our skin.
SKIN STAGES 40's Moderate signs
I think the thing I noticed the most in my 40's was the hydration, my skin became dry and that is also when the fine lines and wrinkles around my eyes became more noticeable, as hold true to the chart.  I also noticed the lined in my forehead appear to which seemed out of no where. In my mid 40's is where I really started to notice the change and and after procrastinating my care from what I notice in my 30's became even more real to me at this point in my life and what I regretted earlier in life now became a point of no return, so I thought, but yet still I procrastinated a couple more years til the signs were to obvious to ignore.  Don't get me wrong, I don't really feel I look old but the signs of aging were making me feel that way, so I finally started to care for my skin after many attempts of trying yet never following through and never staying consistent...sound familiar.
Well here I am 50, the signs of aging were appearing, more wrinkles, and with me uneven skin tones, but as seen in the chart age spots, sagging around the eyes, loss of hydration also can be your culprit in the 50's.  I am just starting my 50's and I started caring for my skin at 49...I so wish I started sooner, sure I am looking and feeling better but just think of how much better I would have looked if I took care of myself sooner.  Though the signs are there I can say with out a doubt that by caring for my skin with cleansing , moisturizing and for me eye treatment I see the amazing reduce in signs of aging.  If you too are ready, no matter what your age, take the time today and get started on your skin care...don't do it without finding out first what is best for you because IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you know that so you will have the proper creams for you, you can't use what is best for dry skin if you are would make your skin even more oily so be sure to take the skin advisor quiz first it only take a minute and it will guide you to what is best...  then when you know what is perfect for you order today don't put of the care of your skin for one more day, stop those signs of aging now and be on your way to a more beautiful you....

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