
Friday, January 27, 2017

The 7 Things That cause damage to your skin take 3
The 3rd thing that causes damage to your skin is STRESS AND LACK OF SLEEP..we all know what these are right.  Our daily lives bring us these causes, the kids, the job, money, and much much more...we can't seem to really get away from it, however, we can help our skin not look like it.  Stress and lack of sleep can dry out our skin, make it more sensitive, cause acne and lose the radiance we love, but by taking care of your skin you can reverse those things that make our face look horrible.  I know that before I took care of my face I was looking my age (50) not that that is old but trust me that is exactly what I was looking, tired run down and my neck well let's just say I saw my family genes kicking know what I am talking about, your grandma, your mom, your aunts...they all have that something you are saying I need to take care of that part of my real I started moisturizing and using my eye cream WOW WHAT A children, who are in their late 20's, noticed how the sign of aging were reversing....It's time to take care of yourself.  That was probably the hardest thing for me to do, I am a mom of 5 you know, where is the stress free in that, I got plenty of exercise seen as how sitting wasn't an, sleep well I sleep well, but some of you don't so try and put that on your to do list...Let's try and take better care of our selves today and start moisturizing today as well :) check out my video of the different moisturizers

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